Human Rights

New York recently enacted a law making First Degree Murder a human right. Though the law is sure to expand, for now you need to have ‘right to the womb’.

The father – whose daughter has his DNA in that womb – has no rights.

Dad can say: “I love my girl. I want to love and care for her, as long as I live.” He cannot hold her, feed her, care for her, OR kill her. Dad doesn’t have these ‘bundle of rights’, even when her DNA says she is HIS daughter. This is tragic for Dad. Unable to speak on behalf of the little Woman, Dad can neither choose to father – OR assassinate his daughter. Conversely, the mother is qualified to hire a hitman and snuff out her baby girl. Even after her water breaks, mom breaks no law – in calling for this assassination.

Is this a ‘right’ or a wrong?

The cheers were loud. This legislation was celebrated as a victory.  This is a morality beyond anything I have personally ‘experienced’ to date. Yes, I have seen evil. I have experienced evil. I have watched shows about Ted Bundy, the BTK killer, Jeffery Dahmer, etc.

It seems Bundy, BTK, and Dahmer have reincarnated themselves as politicians.

‘Well, it is ONLY if there is a health issue’, so it is said. When, in the HISTORY OF CHILD BIRTH, has the mother’s ‘health’ been enhanced in the 3rd trimester, by killing the baby in her womb? She still has to deliver – – the dead baby! She can’t stay in there. That would be terrible for… the mother’s health!

Is this really the state of Women’s rights?

“Get your laws off my body,” is the motto. But I am old enough to remember: way back in 2017, if you killed a pregnant woman, you had committed double homicide. That law is gone.

Now, if a man has no intention of strapping himself with childcare, he pummels his pregnant woman in the stomach until the baby is dead. Sure, he will be charged with assault and battery, but not murder. The laws – duly extracted from the woman’s body – see no life in the girl before, no life in her afterwards, and with no change in ‘status’, no law can be broken.

Go have a chat with a divorced or divorcing man about the financially crippling issue of child support. Thanks to this women’s issue, every father has ‘choices’ he never had before.

Can you just begin to see the awesome power and far-reaching benefits of this law?

Let’s not concern ourselves over ‘minor’ issues. The Black Minority are the MAJORITY of abortions. Black abortion numbers are several HUNDRED percentages above the percentage of citizenship, on the whole, and far outnumber everyone else in the race to exterminate life. The (overwhelmingly) white lawmakers do not concern themselves with this fact, no matter how constant it has been. (As constant as the tides since the inception of ‘Planned parenthood’.)

The majority are Black minorities taking advantage of this great and expanding service. Just light One World Trade Center pink, and celebrate the RESULTS!

Who was she, this little girl: little hands, tiny little feet just waiting to learn how to walk? A mind that is dreaming of who knows what… But there she is. A little woman. She could grow up to be the Presidential nominee for the Democratic Party in just decades. But… she is a Woman Without Rights. She can’t choose. She is not ALLOWED to be the greatest woman in the 21st century. And it is not just limited to her. EVERY future woman has NO rights. Tomorrow’s women are being lawfully exterminated en masse – in the name of Women’s Rights.

Say a woman is 10 days from delivering, and her spouse dies. He didn’t leave her anything ‘of value’… panicked she can’t foresee the future. How will she ever make it with the Baby? So a doctor will bludgeon the girl, or stick a large needle into the woman’s uterus and through the baby’s head. This murder is completely legal on the basis of motherly ‘stress’ – allowing the viable baby girl to die inside the mom, prior to delivery. Oh yeah. The baby girl has to be delivered, barely ‘stillborn’.

I am a father, and there is NO QUESTION I would die for my daughter. I’m not a hero, and I’m far from alone. Every mother I know would GLADLY die for their child. Any mother who would choose to live – instead of their baby – are less valuable to society on that basis alone. We don’t know what the little girl will be, but she is a bundle of potential. The potential that the selfish, (3rd trimester) murdering mother (to spare her own issues) will ever have – has likely capped, and perhaps at this very moment.

Every argument against what I am saying, is valid – – PROVIDED the little girl is not human.

If you think enacting this law created boisterous applause, just wait. Soon, even assault will be lawful. Then women will have finally achieved the goal of ‘laws’ being kept ‘off their bodies’.

Now that will be an empowering day for Women. (Please hold your applause.)